Readings & Events

PINS 25th anniversary
Eureka Valley/Harvey Milk Memorial Library, 1 Jose Sarria Court
In celebration of the 25th anniversary of the debut novel by author Jim Provenzano, he will be joined by San Francisco author Mark Abramson in a one-hour conversation about their early publishing successes with independent presses and self-publishing. Provenzano will also sign and give away free copies of PINS.
LitCrawl 2024 October 26 5pm
Martuni's 1 Valencia St.

In hosting my 15th annual LitCrawl event at Martuni's, I'll be joined by Yume Kin, Horehound Stillpoint, Gaia Patience Veenis, and Andre Wilson.
Started in 2004, Lit Crawl cultivates a unique, resonant brand: smart and silly, worldly and wacky, with events presented in venues usual (bars, cafes, galleries, and bookstores) and unusual (police stations, tattoo parlors, barbershops, and laundromats).
Past Events
Award-winning gay fiction authors Trebor Healey Jim Provenzano and Gar McVey-Russell discuss writing about the past, and in contemporary settings, in an engaging talk, with short readings from their new and recent work.
Monday, June 24, 7pm 2024 at Fabulosa Books
489 Castro St. SF
Free/register HERE.
Lit Crawl @ ATA Gallery, Oct. 21, 5pm 2023
Bay Area Reporter Presents Lucky 13: Fortunate Fictions
To celebrate the 13th Bay Area Reporter-sponsored Lit Crawl night, author/editor Jim Provenzano hosts 'Lucky 13: Fortunate Fictions' at Artists Television Access, with authors and poets Andrew Demčák, Diane Glazman, Yume Kim and André Le Mont Wilson. (link)

Saints & Sinners Literary Festival March 11-14
The 18th annual Saints & Sinners LGBTQ Literary Festival, usually held in New Orleans, returns with a robust roster online March 11-14, and most events are free to the public. I’ll be participating with a panel on Memoir & Fiction, and as part of the reading line-up.

Join my chat with Felice Picano, Nov. 12, hosted by Bureau of General Services–Queer Division.
Watch my Sept. 22 book release event on Zoom with Baruch Porras-Hernandez on YouTube.
Sept. 29 Perfectly Queer reading with me, Richard May, Wayne Goodman and Rob Rosen
On Sept. 1, I chatted with author David Eugene Perry about our new books. Tune in on YouTube.
My Queer Words podcast talk with Wayne Goodman.
On Aug. 6, I was on Nicholas Snow's HomoPromoTV to discuss my seventh novel, 'Finding Tulsa,' and other literary Hollywood topics. Watch now:
past readings & events

FARM TO CITY - Lesbian, Gay and Queer Writers Discuss their Rural Roots March 13 @ SF Public Library, main branch
Lesbian, Gay, and Queer writers discuss their rural roots. Bay Area writers often come from different places, small towns or even farm communities. How do their life experiences shape their literary work? How do they depict the lives of their childhood with their identities as urban adults? Nona Caspers, Vernon Keeve III, Jim Provenzano, James J. Siegel, and Mark Abramson discuss their work in various styles; fiction, memoir and poetry.
Wednesday, March 13, 2019 at 6 PM – 7:30 PM
James C. Hormel LGBTQIA Center of San Francisco Public Library
100 Larkin St, San Francisco, California 94102
SF Public Library page
Now We're Here
a celebration of the music of Queen
acoustic performances by Peter Fogel, Suzanne Ramsey, Diogo Zavadski, Coleton Schmitto
and Adam Dragland with special guests Leigh Crow, Ruby Vixen and Jason Brock
Thursday December 6, 8pm (doors 7:30pm)
F'Inn House 814 Grove St., Alamo Square, San Francisco
complimentary champagne, wine, soft drinks, appetizers & desserts
$20 student/senior/low-income
$30 general admission
$50 priority seating & a signed copy of Now I'm Here

Recent Interviews and Podcasts
Nov. 7: House of Pride Radio with Peter Fogel; host Tweaka Turner
Nov. 19 (12:30pm): KPOO Radio with DJ Marilynn
89.5 FM
Nov. 26: Strut Book Club discusses Now I'm Here
Nov. 29: Matt Baume's Sewers of Paris
Dec. 11: Perfectly Queer; group reading at Dog Eared Books

Aug 29
Now I'm Here - Kindle, Nook & Kobo release
The ebook editions of Now I'm Here will be available, but do please pre-order.
Since it's online, I'll probably do some online FaceplantInstaSnap thingy.
Or you could watch the amazing music trailer, title song performed by Gregory Yee.
Sept. 20
Release event with music, Dog Eared Books, Castro
Launch party, reading,
signing and music of Queen performed by Peter Fogel
Dog Eared Books Castro 489 Castro St. 7pm.
So yes; the big Hello; launch party, music, drinks and
literature at the center of the Castro district.
It should be fun.
Yes, you'll see a musical theme here, particularly Queen.
Fogel, who's been a prolific musical playwright, composer,
and been in like 14 bands, will play his own take on a few Queen classics.

Sept 27
Oct 12
Literary Speakeasy
7pm. 4 Valencia St. at Market
This night is a hoot, a jam-packed eclectic mix –and so are the cocktails.
hosted by James J Siegel for two years.
Reading, signing and music of Queen
performed by Dudley Saunders
Book Soup 8818 Sunset Blvd., West Hollywood
Hollywood, baby! Not unlike my steadfast protagonist Joshua,
I'm approaching Los Angeles with hope and jitters.
The venerable Book Soup lies in the same neighborhood
where several chapters in Now I'm Here take place, albeit decades earlier.
A 2018 Emmy winner, Dudley Saunders will perform acoustic versions of a few Queen songs. Saunders is an accomplishing performer and songwriter. He also recorded the eloquent acoustic version of the title song, "Message of Love" for my book's trailer.

Oct. 20
Lit Crawl San Francisco
7pm. 4 Valencia St. at Market
Hosting my ninth annual Lit Crawl event at Martuni's, with several local and
visiting literary luminaries, and varied genre music by Maria Konner!
Hey, it's a piano bar, so why not?
I'll be joined by Bud Gundy, Trebor Healey,